Ep. #104 - Flashback PAN gengas Saiyans hidden scene
Source: TV
Layers: 0
Sketches: 7
Cel Number: A1 / D3
Oversize, 10.5W x 9H
No Background
Added 5/10/2020
Updated 6/8/2020
PAN multi gengas incredible. All the 3 bad guys. Full sequence detailed in 7 corrected gengas.
This is an incredible detailed genga. Actually, this PAN sequence appears in the flashback episode 104 of DBZ. But the final Anime cels were all in red FX in the end (9min55 from the beginning of the episode 104), were you can barely see the drawings !!! So these gengas are the only pieces remaining in the world to see the real drawing parts of this sequence.
Historic !