Dragon Ball Z 01 - Saiyans arc

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This is the first Dragon Ball Z part.
It runs from the beginning of the serie until the end of Freeza's Saga.
Saiyans, Namek section and Freeza's accolytes.

 Ep. #001 - Goku and Gohan on Kintoun

 Ep. #002 - Raditz Close UP

 Ep. #004 - Radditz mocking Goku

 Ep. #005 - Gohan VS Radditz

 Ep. #007 - Chibi Gohan finding an apple

 Ep. #008 - PAN cel - Piccolo destroying the Moon

 Ep. #008 - Chichi & Gyumao looking for Gohan

 Ep. #010 - Chibi Gohan training

 Ep. #011 - Nappa before the earth (genga)

 Ep. #014 - Snake Princess

 Ep. #017 - Dragonballs (original layout + douga)

 Ep. #019 - Bubbles' First Appearance

 Ep. #019 - Oversize Goku catches Bubbles

 Ep. #024 - Tenshinhan vs Nappa !

 Ep. #025 - Nappa close up

 Ep. #027 - Early Vegeta genga + correction

 Ep. #028 - Nappa vs Goku

 Ep. #034 - Kuririn sending the Genkidama

 Ep. #035 - Vegeta in a bad position

Curator: Minouche
Gallery Created: 2/26/2008
Hits: 130556

Presentation 8.66/10   Collection 8.83/10   Overall 8.76/10   Votes 33 votes
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