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Fayre thee well !!! When you spend a lot of money to get a cel you cannot get through, you have to make some sacrifices... This is sad, but a new departure for them too, in a new collection :-D

 Capsule Corp on Namek BOOK

 Hanken/Harmony Cat's Eye - Rui

 Goku GT - ep#31

 PAN cel - Chibi Goku doing Genkidama

 Mai in bath ( Fatal Fury )

 Beautiful Pan cel of Lum

 PAN - Urusei Yatsura - Ran/Kotatsu Cat

 Shishio profil

 Seiya first cloth

 BLEACH - Dougas x4 (copies)

 Brother...I loved you..... - TERRIFIC PAN CEL

 oups... Ryo


 Saori - Ep #19

 Onizuka + wall ^^

 Ryo hit

 Pluto's Garnet rod

 Pan Cel - Denis la malice

 Pan cel - Ryo smashed !!!!!

 Saeko's shot - Ep. #13

 Pope Arles close up

 Perfect Seiya Divine Armor

 Saori san

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Curator: Minouche
Gallery Created: 2/26/2008
Hits: 131665

Presentation 8.66/10   Collection 8.83/10   Overall 8.76/10   Votes 33 votes
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