Dragon Ball Z - MOVIES part 02

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Movies Dragonball Z #8->#13 (not 12)

 M8 - PAN cel Broly untransformed

 M8 - Broly SSJ Close up transforming

 M8 - PAN cel Broly 1st ever Legendary transformation

 M8 - Broly ultimate SSJ attacking

 M8 - Broly the legendary Super Saiyan

 M8 - Paragus

 M9 - SSJ2 Gohan vs Bojack killer shot

 M9 - Mirai Trunks facing Tenshinhan

 M9 - Bojack posing. Perfect shot

 M9 - Bojack close up

 M9 - Zanghya close up

 M9 - Bido attacking!

 M9 - Kogu Attacking

 M9 - Zanghya attacking

 M9 - Zanghya posing

 M9 - Super Gokua vs Trunks

 M9 - Bojack's Final attack !!

 M10 - Chibi Trunks

 M11 - SSJ Goten & Trunks having problems

 M11 - Bio Broly attacks !

 M11 - Bio Broly with Aura

 M13 - SSJ3 Gotenks

 M13 - Minosia (Tapion's brother)

 M16 - Teenage Gohan running
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Curator: Minouche
Gallery Created: 2/26/2008
Hits: 131611

Presentation 8.66/10   Collection 8.83/10   Overall 8.76/10   Votes 33 votes
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